Friday, February 28, 2014

Blog #1

AM I A BLOGGER YET?! just kidding..

i'm fairly new to this... but then again tumbr is considered a blog as well so.... hmmm.
anyway lets not get to technical here as its my first day...

i  honestly don't know what to say but ill just talk about the "fantastic" day i had....
it was pouring rain after school today and i was waiting for a ride home, 30 minutes went buy and i thought to myself i'm drenched maybe i should call and see if anyone is coming for me.... of course my mother say "i text you telling you your going to have to walk home!" obviously i didn't get that text... so i started to walk home.. about a 6 mile walk... halfway home i'm shivering with no sign of the rain easing, all of a sudden "shove" a man might as well have rammed me from behind. he doesn't stop to say i'm sorry or excuse me but chooses to insult me and lower my confidence even more than it is already...  his choice of words were "watch where your going fat-ass" now this is annoying on so many levels. first i already know i'm fat you don't have to tell me, and second hes the one who shoved me... why do people feel the need to belittle others so much now a days....

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