Sunday, October 26, 2014

Honestly I want to cry right now. Yes it's because I'm sad but also because I'm beyond happy. I'm sad because I don't know if I'll ever have a chance with you, but at the same time I'm happy that I even have had the opertunity to know someone as amazing and unfinished as you. I look into your eyes and I melt and when you touch me I freeze like a iceberg. You've told me before you don't think anyone could love you the way I said I did. God I wish I could prove you wrong I wish you'd give me the chance to love you. I know for a fact you'd never regret it. You've said before you'd rather them forget about you rather than you froget about them, but even if you wanted me to forget you I never could... I could never foret the way your eyes shined even from the light of your dinning room, I wouldn't be Abel to forget the way your nose scrunched up when you'd smile. I could never forget the way my hand would fit on your side almost like it was ment to be there. When I'm with
you this weird feeling is always in my stomach and I never want to get rid of it. 

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